2nd INGENIUM symposium: Focus on Sustainable Development Goals of European Universities
University of Rouen Normandy – CURIB, October 5 and 6, 2022
For the first time since the creation of the INGENIUM consortium in 2020, the ten partners met face-to-face while attending the 2nd symposium of their European University alliance. Hosted by the University of Rouen Normandy, the event took place on October 5 and 6, 2022 and was a great success, bringing together more than 110 staff from the ten universities over conferences, lab visits, guided tours, a poster session as well as a panel session.
The first day of the event focused on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of European universities, a core subject of the University of Rouen Normandy’s strategy for several years. Several experts tackled the topic from different angles: energy transition, digitalisation, territorial issues, European coordination, sustainable mobility, social responsibility… all these issues were presented by different members of the ten partner universities, but also local and regional players who shared their expertise and good practices.
On the second day, a fascinating overview of the first two years of the EC2U alliance provided an opportunity to initiate a fruitful discussion and to project ourselves into the future.
Wednesday | October 5
9:00 am – Welcome coffee
9:30 am – Opening speeches: Joël Alexandre, President of the University of Rouen Normandy, Daniel Santos, Vice-Rector for Internationalization of the University of Oviedo, Hervé Morin, President of the Normandy Region
Morning session chairs: Eric Dargent and Magdalena Kasnakova
10:15 am – The Great Transition Guide: Principles for a Transformative Education: Christian Koenig, Training and support manager for higher education institutions
11:15 am – URN’s sustainable development and social responsibility strategy: Benoît Laignel, Vice-President Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility of the University of Rouen Normandy
11:45 am – Digitisation for sustainable development: Mikael Ejdeback, Vice-President of International Relations at the University of Skövde
12:15 pm – Which sustainable and inclusive mobility solutions for tomorrow? How and why integrate the end user in the whole innovation process ? : Mathias Marmieysse, Director of MIX, Innovative Mobilities Lab
12:30 pm – Lunch break (vegetarian meal)
Afternoon session chairs: Benoît Laignel et Marcello Constantini
2:00 pm – Sustainability at the University of Crete: George Kossioris, Vice-President International Relations of the University of Crete
2:30 pm – United Nations Global Compact Initiative in Higher Education Context: Olli Ervaala, Director of Pedagogical Services, University of Applied Sciences of South-eastern Finland
3:00 pm – Territories, companies, universities: a new alliance in the service of transitions : Laurent FUSSIEN, Director General of Malaunay
3:30 pm – Presentation of the PRIMACEN Cellular Imaging Research Platform: Ludovic GALAS, Director of the HeRacLeS research infrastructure, University of Rouen Normandy
3:45 pm – Poster session & visit of the Primacen – Pissaro platform (conducted in parallel)
5:15 pm – Visit of the Mont-Saint-Aignan campus
6:15 pm – free time
8:00 pm – Diner, La Fabrik (Hangar 1/A, Espace des Maregraphes, Quai de Boisguilbert, 76000 Rouen)
Thursday | October 6
9:00 am – Welcome coffee
Chairs: Michael Loftus and Joachim Lembach
9:30 am – Testimony of the European University alliance EC2U (European Campus of City-Universities): Christine Fernandez-Maloigne, Vice-President International Relations of the University of Poitiers & Head of the EC2U alliance
10:30 am – Round table: Cooperation within the INGENIUM network
11:30 am – Steering committee meeting (for members only) & Campus biodiversity visit with Rachel Hébert-Lafontaine, head of biodiversity studies at the University of Rouen Normandy (other participants)
12:30 pm – Lunch break (vegetarian meal)
2:00 pm – Transfer to the Medical Training Centre
3:00 pm – Medical Training Centre visit (20, rue Marie Curie, 76000 Rouen)
5:00 pm – Cocktail in the Rouen city Hall
6:15 pm – Guided tour of Rouen
8:00 pm – Diner, Café Hamlet (186, rue Martainville, 76000 Rouen)
Sustainable Development & Social Responsibility at the heart of URN’s strategy
The challenges of the socio-ecological transition have been at the heart of the University of Rouen Normandy’s actions for more than 10 years. Awarded in 2020, the Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility (DD&RS) label is the ultimate recognition of the University of Rouen Normandy’s engagement in transitions (T.URN). Since then, our institution has been deploying an ambitious sustainable development and social responsibility strategy embracing both the impact of its activities on its campuses, as well as its training and research missions.
One of our ambitions in terms of sustainable development and social responsibility is to get involved with our partners for a territory of sustainable innovations. Hosting the second edition of the INGENIUM Symposium in Rouen illustrates perfectly our determination. Focused on socio-ecological transition of European Universities, the event has been labelled “COP21” by the intercommunal structure Métropole de Rouen Normandie. Thus, the organisation of these two days is part of an eco-responsible and environmentally conscious approach.
An internal web platform (Intranet) that enables members to communicate directly while ensuring that the communication remains confidential.
For the development of the intranet site, WordPress has been selected as the platform of choice. WordPress, widely recognized for its flexibility and functionality, is well-suited for building a secure and user-friendly intranet environment.
The DIGITAL INGENIUM forum system has been Implemented, configured and embedded within the main web site. The platform chosen is the Simple Press open software because of previous experience within the university of Crete, large user community and expansions capability.
The forum has been initialized and sub divided into categories and topics following the working packages system but it can easily be adjusted and modified.
Help desk ticketing system to keep track of partners issues thus DIGITAL INGENIUM team can resolve them in a timely manner. It gives the team the everyday tools they need to do their job well, from answering tickets to collaborating with other team members.
Upon receival of an issue the system automatically creates a ticket. Each ticket gets a unique ID, allowing it to be easily tracked throughout its lifecycle. The ticket management system stores all relevant information about the issue, including the member’s contact information, the nature of the problem, any attempted solutions, and the status of the ticket (e.g., open, pending, closed).
A system of categorization has been implemented. Tickets based on criteria like issue type, importance, or severity of the problem are prioritized. This allows support teams to respond to the most critical issues first, improving response times and ultimately resolve the issue.
Browser-based multilingual IMAP client with an application-like user interface. It provides full functionality you expect from an email client, including MIME support, address book, folder manipulation, message searching and spell checking.
Round Cube open software platform has been chosen and configured based upon previous experience within the university of Crete and a wide user community support base.
A centralized digital storage that is used to store and share folders, text files, and other types of documents. The repository has features that allow users to easily edit files, and efficiently collaborate on the same project from any location. The software chosen is “Nextcloud”, an open source platform that offers a variety of collaboration features and a wide user and support base.
The proposed authentication solution was based on SAML 2.0 protocol which INGENIUM partners already use to access services by other providers (e.g. Erasmus+ eduGAIN/GEANT). It should also be mentioned that the University of Crete IT staff has extended experience on managing and operating Nextcloud installations and also implementing and supporting the authentication and authorization proposed solution.