INGENIUM Governance

The implementation of such a complex initiative as the European Universities with the level of ambition the INGENIUM Alliance proposes requires a major organisational effort. As such, the Alliance has established an operational structure that includes governance bodies and local bodies, to ensure the correct implementation of the actions of the INGENIUM Alliance.

INGENIUM Alliance Council (IAC)

IAC is the governing body of the INGENIUM Consortium. The IAC is composed of the highest representatives of each University (at Rector/President or Vice-Rector/Vice-president level, or an authorised delegate). The Chair will be composed of the highest representatives of each partner University (at Rector/President or Vice-Rector/Vice-president level, or an authorised delegate), and will be convened and chaired by the representative of the Coordinating institution. Students will also be represented in this governing body.

All IAC decisions are based on written proposals and it will preferably take decisions by consensus. If a decision cannot be postponed until the consensus can be reached, the Chair may call a vote. Any decision must have the positive vote of two thirds of the partners, and successive votes may be called until such majority is reached.

The INGENIUM Steering Committee (ISC)

The INGENIUM Steering Committee (ISC) is in charge of the operational management of the Alliance, under the guidance of the IAC. The ISC is composed of the INGENIUM Partners Coordinators (IPCs) or an authorised delegate of each university and is chaired by the Director of the Alliance.

The ISC is responsible of implementing IAC decisions and, at the same time, of reporting to the IAC on the progress of the project activities. The ISC may take decisions by delegation of the IAC. The INGENIUM Steering Committee also makes decisions by consensus and if necessary, the Chair may call a vote. Decisions will be taken by two thirds of the partners, and the decision may be reported to the IAC if requested by a third of the partners.