Discover the Interrail Pass for Erasmus+ and travel green to your Erasmus+ INGENIUM destination with Interrail and the Erasmus Student Network

Let us know about your upcoming Erasmus+ experience in one of the 10 INGENIUM Universities and win a free Interrail Global Pass to travel to your mobility destination or discover Europe!


In order to celebrate the recent launch of the Interrail Erasmus+ Pass, Interrail and ESN are offering 10 FREE Interrail Passes to INGENIUM students who take part in Erasmus+ mobilities between INGENIUM universities, during the academic year 2024/2025!

Sustainable Erasmus+ mobility is an important priority for INGENIUM, and a key component of that is travelling by sustainable means, such as train, to Erasmus+ destinations. 

In May, Interrail and ESN launched a new Erasmus+ Pass that will support seamless and sustainable student mobility across Europe. Erasmus+ students will be able to use the ticket to travel to and from their mobility destinations, and benefit from all that Interrail passes have to offer. 

All information about the Interrail Pass for Erasmus+ is available on the dedicated website. As well, check out the Interrail Rail Planner app that makes it simple to plan each step of your journey.

How to enter the giveaway

In order to get a chance to win 1 of the 10 passes, follow us on Instagram @ingenium_univ and let us know in the comment section of the Interrail Giveaway 🚂“Why are you looking forward to travelling by train across Europe?” by 30th of June! 

The winners will receive a regular Interrail Global Pass of 7 days of travel within a month, and they will be able to test it to go to their Erasmus destinations.

To formally enter the giveaway you need to direct message our Instagram account and provide the following details:

  • Your name, email address, current university and study field;
  • INGENIUM university where you will study in the next academic year.

The information will be checked with your respective universities to ensure that you have received confirmation of your Erasmus+ mobilities.

All Winners will be announced the week after via email and on our INGENIUM Instagram page. Winners will be chosen to ensure diversity of universities and study fields.

By sending your information, you agree to ESN contacting you for dissemination purposes. Your personal data will only be used for the purposes of the contest and the dissemination of your travel experience.