Call for the Development of Joint Academic Offers: INGENIUM Flagship Programmes

Developing an INGENIUM Flagship programme is a unique opportunity to create study programmes for the needs of tomorrow.

The INGENIUM European University is currently focusing on the development of five INGENIUM Flagship study programmes:

  • Joint Bachelor Programme in Entrepreneurship and Innovation 
  • Joint Master Programme in Advanced Practice Nursing in Acute Care 
  • Joint Master Programme in Artificial Intelligence 
  • Joint Master Programme in Chemical and Biochemical Process Technology 
  • Joint Master Programme in Sustainable Development and Circular Economy 

On each programme’s website, there is an overview of what has been done so far, what the next steps are and what the specific goals for this call are.

It is our mission to create interdisciplinary programmes with as many INGENIUM partner universities as possible. There are a variety of opportunities how partners can be involved in a particular programme and this involvement can evolve over time.

Get all the details for the call below:

Academics from the respective disciplines are warmly encouraged to contribute their expertise to the development of innovative study programmes.

Applicants must obtain institutional approval from faculty or department, adhering to local regulations.

Applicants must consult their local INGENIUM contact personnel (see below) prior to applying.

You can apply through the form at the bottom of this page.

Applicants will need to provide personal and institutional details, select the relevant academic offer and outline their proposed contributions. Additionally, a first budget draft needs to be provded as well as  confirming institutional support.

The funds provided under this call will support development and implementation of joint academic offers, including the mobility of academic teams for collaborative meetings or short-term academic exchanges. Applicants may propose alternative uses of the resources for activities that support the goals of this call, provided the proposal is well-justified.

All applications for the development of INGENIUM Flagship Study Programmes will receive funding. The specific funding amounts will be determined by each partner university based on their available resources.

There are several measures that will help successful applicants with the realization of their application. Those are several documents created by the INGENIUM European University such as:

  • Joint Programmes Guidelines
  • INGENIUM Quality Assurance Framework

Preparation of a draft programme proposal in alignment with the INGENIUM Joint Programmes Guidelines.

Do you have questions? Please take a look at the FAQ section.

Make sure to reach out to your local point of contact prior to applying:

Interested? Apply now to develop an INGENIUM Flagship Programme!