Shared efforts: Building the INGENIUM European Campus

Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences (HKA) is playing a leading role in the development of the INGENIUM European Campus. To further this endeavour, HKA has already conducted two face-to-face workshops at the Medical University of Sofia and the University of Crete, alongside numerous virtual meetings.

The focus is on developing new study programmes at all levels, but also on opening up existing courses to students from the partner universities. Currently, a key priority is developing a blueprint for the implementation of joint study programmes. For HKA, this entails exploring cooperation opportunities for a Bachelor’s degree programme in entrepreneurship and innovation. Working meetings with various stakeholders aim to gain a better understanding of the needs of the INGENIUM European University partners and to define common goals. Progress is already more tangible at Master’s level: as part of the further development of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Degrees in Mechatronic Engineering (EU4M) at HKA, efforts are underway to establish a double degree programme with the University of Skövde.

Lecturers at all INGENIUM partner universities are cordially invited to contact Lisa Riedel with ideas for opening existing degree programmes or developing new multidisciplinary degree programmes. Of course, low-threshold cooperation, such as the development of joint COIL events, is also possible. Lisa Riedel will also be happy to provide guidance on these initiatives.

During the Winter Edition of the 10 days of INGENIUM, the Alliance Council nominated its highest academic body: the INGENIUM European Campus Academic Committee. This committee will meet for the first time at the Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iași in May to discuss the design of an Open Degree Framework and guidelines for Joint Programmes.