Strengthening Cooperation: Visit of the XAMK Board to HKA

At the end of September, Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences (HKA) welcomed a delegation from the South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (XAMK), in Karlsruhe. Besides President Heikki Saastamoinen and other members of the XAMK rectorate and board, mayors and other representatives of the cities where XAMK is located, had travelled to HKA.

The program included a welcome address by HKA’s President Prof. Dr. Rose Marie Beck as well as various meetings to exchange information on the structures and processes of the universities and the INGENIUM European Campus. In addition, the delegation gained various insights into HKA and the city of Karlsruhe. The winner of this year’s HKA teaching prize, Prof. Dr.-Ing Matthias Wölfel, guided the group through the iXperience Lab. A visit to the robotics laboratory of the IRAS (Institute for Robotics and Autonomous Systems) and a presentation of the Center of Applied Research (CAR) were also on the agenda. A real highlight was the reception in the town hall Karlsruhe by City Councillor Dr. Susanne Heynen and the visit to the impressive Gaia exhibition in the city church.

This visit strengthened the partnership between XAMK and HKA, bringing them even closer together in the framework of INGENIUM.