Students and staff met at the University of Oviedo to brainstorm the future of the INGENIUM European Campus

The University of Oviedo’s Mieres Campus recently welcomed 50 students and staff members from partner universities across the INGENIUM Alliance. From 24th to 28th June 2024, participants engaged in two distinct Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programmes (BIPs), one tailored for students and the other for university staff, designed to shape the future of this European University.

The event marked a pivotal moment for INGENIUM, representing the second inter-university mobility initiative within the alliance. Participants from HIS (Sweden), HKA (Germany), MTU (Ireland), MUS (Bulgaria), TUIASI (Romania), Ud’A (Italy), UNIOVI (Spain), UoC (Greece), and Xamk (Finland) converged with a shared goal: to envision a common future and forge collaborative actions.

Jesús Daniel Santos, the Rector’s Delegate for International Alliances at the University of Oviedo, emphasised the significance of this gathering: “This programme inaugurates a new era for INGENIUM where, with the consortium’s foundations firmly established, the priority is to build the European campus of the alliance, with new mobilities and the first joint degrees.”

The student-focused BIP, titled “Fostering student participation for a more interconnected European Education Area,” aimed to equip students with the skills and knowledge needed to actively contribute to INGENIUM’s success. It attracted a diverse group of participants, from student representatives to those not involved in student associations, all united by a shared interest in INGENIUM.

The programme delved into the key objectives, priorities, and activities of the alliance, allowing students to gain a comprehensive understanding of its mission. They critically evaluated the current level of student engagement within partner universities and collaboratively designed initiatives to enhance participation. Ultimately, they laid the groundwork for a joint student engagement strategy that will benefit the entire INGENIUM community.

The staff BIP, titled “Developing holistic engagement strategies for the European Universities Initiative: the case of INGENIUM,” fostered collaboration among professionals from diverse backgrounds. Academics, policymakers, technical staff, and administrative personnel came together to brainstorm ideas and develop actionable proposals for the alliance’s future.

The programme encouraged participants to analyse the barriers and enablers of engagement, evaluate current participation levels within their respective universities, and explore successful collaboration strategies with associated partners and external stakeholders. They generated innovative proposals for joint initiatives with partners and devised new programmes to engage both students and staff

Beyond the structured sessions, participants enjoyed a rich cultural immersion experience. They explored the urban, rural, and mining areas of Mieres, delved into the history and architecture of Oviedo, and visited the unique Gijón Campus. A highlight of their cultural journey was a meeting with the Mayor of Mieres, Mr. Manuel Ángel Álvarez, where they discussed the crucial role of collaboration between universities and cities.

On the final day of the BIPs, during a gathering in the Historic Building of the University, the Rector of the University of Oviedo, Ignacio Villaverde, extended his warm greetings to the participants, reflecting on the week’s accomplishments: “This Blended Intensive Programme has been a truly landmark event in the history of the INGENIUM Alliance. It is a significant step forward for our consortium and another building block in the development of the INGENIUM European campus and our joint educational offer, which is our top priority.”

The Rector commended the participants’ active engagement and the fruitful discussions that led to promising proposals. He assured them of the value of their contributions: “Your dedication and hard work throughout this program have been remarkable. Rest assured that your valuable insights will be carefully considered by the governing bodies of the Alliance and its members.”

These BIPs not only represent the second inter-university mobility initiative within INGENIUM but also mark a significant step towards the realisation of a truly interconnected European campus. With a focus on student and staff mobility and the development of joint degree programmes, INGENIUM is building a brighter future for higher education.