The INGENIUM Open Degrees
We will work towards the development of Open Degrees across the European Qualifications Framework for higher educational Institutions, allowing students within our Inter-university Campus to build their individual curricula.
We will establish open interdisciplinary degrees, that in parallel with the existing academic offerings allow students to build innovative international interdisciplinary curricula, with the ultimate objective of developing European Degrees.
These new degrees will be innovative in terms of content and learning methodologies, including research- and work-based learning, seizing the opportunities given by digital technologies. INGENIUM is committed to the development of transversal skills, based on a flexible combination of modules from the different areas of knowledge and transversal skills, with particular attention to Digital Competences and Entrepreneurship, thus creating multiple interdisciplinary professional profiles. The combination of core, elective and horizontal modules will define the specific profile of each degree, whether Graduate, Postgraduate or Doctoral Degree.
Joint interdisciplinary teams comprised of academic and administrative staff and students from the partner universities, in consultation with industry and social representatives, will define the possible study pathways and professional profiles, while also ensuring that the academic offers achieve the highest quality standards for complete institutional and professional accreditation.
The INGENIUM career advisers will offer advice in building a sound and coherent curriculum, supporting students to make their own informed choices. Students will be able to carry out the study periods in any of the universities delivering the modules of their choice, and University staff will move to other partner universities or use digital technologies to deliver courses.
INGENIUM will be an inclusive Alliance reaching beyond the limits of formal learning. Thus, module contents in Open Degrees will be further organized as Micro-credentials, open to all, which will give the opportunity to informal learners to benefit from the international mobility and the EHEA.
The development of Open Degrees may require substantial rearrangement or adaptation of academic regulations, to ensure the full recognition and effectiveness of the degrees, including changes in accreditation systems. Those changes will be made following a step-by-step plan until the Open Degrees are fully established. INGENIUM partners may deliver in the initial stages of the plan European Doctorates as well as Joint and Double Bachelor and Master degrees, based on existing academic arrangements.
Mobility and multilingualism will be a standard feature in INGENIUM Degrees. A minimum of study periods carried out in another partner University will be required to graduate, and part of the modules in mobility may be delivered in national languages. Study periods carried out in partner universities will be automatically recognised. Mobility may also include virtual mobility, to allow students to attend modules that are delivered in another partner University, and mobility beyond the Alliance.