How to work in an international context while learning from and with each other?

COIL networking event at HKA

On 4 October 2023, Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences (HKA) hosted its second COIL networking event with about 40 participants from all over the world.

The event started with an introduction to the concept of Collaborative Online International Learning (‘COIL’) and the importance of COIL courses in the development of the INGENIUM European Campus. Six inspiring international collaboration pitches were then presented by HKA professors and lecturers about the creation of a VR (virtual reality) campus and a pedagogical conversational tutor, working on a production-cultural biorhythm and machine learning in quality management, a joint course on C++ programming as well as a simulation game workshop in the context of sustainable development. The international participants were then invited to meet in separate breakout rooms to exchange ideas and develop cooperation possibilities together.

HKA plans on hosting a follow-up event to further develop common courses online. We look forward to supporting the continuous implementation of COIL courses at Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences and to extend our collaborations with our INGENIUM partners in Europe as well as our partners worldwide.

For more information about COIL at HKA please contact: and .