Date(s) - 25. October 2022
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Invitation to online round table, Co-organized by the Sustainability Committee and the Gender Equality Committee of the University of Crete.
Exchange of ideas and knowledge across different academic and social contexts is vital to respond to the many manifestations of ‘careless’ policies that systematically lead to series of crises characterized by their unequal impacts, including the economic and the energy crises, COVID-19, and the refugee crisis. Distinguished scholars will share with the audience their reflections from long standing research and service across various academic and policy contexts and initiate a public dialogue on:
• How theories of care inform a distinctive understanding of sustainability and gender equality, which enhances the potentials to design more inclusive public policies and to address social and environmental concerns and challenges
• How the administration of universities can support a process of change consistent with the ideas of care by focusing on successful practices or methodologies that link research and education to the needs of their surrounding communities, mobilize their knowledges, and enhance their capacities to shape local responses in a democratic way.
Please join this live streaming event to voice your experience and questions or on youtube