Strategic Media Resources

Here you can find INGENIUM strategic key documents, media resources and other useful public resources for the INGENIUM community and the general public.

Policies, Reports & Documents

The INGENIUM Alliance work programme is structured around the idea of building a single University with ten distributed sites throughout the EU, able to perform all the functions modern universities are required to, such as education, research and social engagement, while being seamlessly integrated with the individual partner organisations.

In this sense, we have designed a coherent working structure that is ambitious yet realistic, with 10 work packages that provide both transversal support activities and address each of the missions the Alliance is going to fulfil: education, research, innovation and social engagement.

All INGENIUM work packages aim to produce key documents such as reports, policy strategies and guidelines that underline and detail the progress carried out in each of their respective domains. These documents are published below to make them accessible to the INGENIUM community and the general public:

There are no deliverables to be published yet.

There are no deliverables to be published yet.

Press & Media Kits

Access the INGENIUM Brand Guidelines for a full overview of our alliance’s visual identity, including information about the logo, use of colours, publications and merchandising.

Please refer to the brand guidelines for a correct application of the logo.

Latest News in INGENIUM

European Universities Alliances