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INGENIUM is an alliance of ten institutions of higher education from ten European countries. We seek to enable each member of the network to offer high-quality study and qualification programmes with digital components which are shared within the INGENIUM Alliance. Due to the internationalisation of courses and an increase in student and staff mobility, the promotion of intercultural competence among teachers and students is of central interest to us.

Exploring diversity and excellence: Junior and Senior Summer School, Staff Academy and Science Factory

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INGENIUM participates in the EAIE Conference 2024 for the first time together with over 20 European Universities Alliances

I very much believe in the idea of European unity and cannot think of a better project to help achieve this goal than INGENIUM,

I am deeply interested in how INGENIUM will connect people from different fields, countries and backgrounds. I believe that the development of synergies between people across Europe is a key factor in addressing the major challenges we will face in the coming decades.

INGENIUM represents all the potential a multicultural, interuniversity alliance can offer in terms of strengthening European values by bringing together students, researchers, teachers and staff and by creating opportunities for them to jointly address common challenges.

Tolerance is a virtue. I believe that our responsibility, as academics, is to push our students to become more tolerant to diversity and to open their minds. European universities are the best place to achieve these goals.

I am really interested in the concept of the Entrepreneurial University and through Entrepreneurial INGENIUM look forward to exploring and implementing staff and student entrepreneurial programmes with our partners.

What motivates me about INGENIUM is the prospect of building strong cross-cultural ties between students, academics, and professionals from various backgrounds. I love bringing people together and I am absolutely fascinated by the synergies and energies a cooperation between institutions can unleash.

MTU’s motto is “succeeding together” and the development of the Ingenium Alliance provides a wonderful opportunity to succeed together with talented and ambitious European partners for the advancement of all.

Advocate for research ethics and integrity and committed to internationalisation and the experience and opportunity that mobility offers.

I believe in cooperation and in bringing together the ideas from different countries, backgrounds, and cultures. That is a complex environment to achieve conclusions. However, it is always a great learning achievement, and when the conclusion is finally reached, it is superior to the conclusion drawn by just like-minded people with the same background. INGENIUM provides this opportunity to the students and the faculty and staff of all the partner universities.

I love working with digital technologies to enhance the academic experience for both teachers and students, and the INGENIUM project is the perfect playground for this.

I regard INGENIUM as a very exciting project since it creates real-world connections between individuals from many European countries. What is more, as a student, I highly value the fact that the alliance will extend the academic offer at each institution through shared online classes and will therefore improve the study experience of thousands of my peers.

INGENIUM is an ambitious and inspiring network to create great possibilities for European university students in the future.

Through the INGENIUM Alliance, we are pursuing excellence in education and research, and adapting to the forthcoming challenges in European Higher Education Area.

Universities are a unique creation of the European civilization. The INGENIUM European University is made up of diverse universities and countries that, by encouraging mobility of students and staff, can contribute to a better understanding of ourselves, our shared values and also our cultural differences.

I am deeply European, I believe that our generation has the responsibility to help the next generation to better understand the world, to collaborate between themselves to seize the great environmental challenges. INGENIUM is a great European adventure that modestly participates in this.

Science is global and sees no borders. What you see on the map are just constructed and artificial lines. Cooperation is the key to excellence and I believe that the INGENIUM Alliance could bring students, teachers and researchers together to work towards this goal.


I see INGENIUM as building the Pangea of higher education in Europe. It is for us to keep it together, a way of providing the meaningful competences for our graduates, wisely negotiating the AI rise of power with our humanity.

This project can do a lot, and we get to be a part of it. I love the fruitful exchange and cross-national cooperation.

INGENIUM’s YouTube account gives you glimpses into our network’s activities. For instance, you will find visuals of our campuses, impressions from our student body as well as links to our members’ social media accounts there.

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