10 Days of INGENIUM

May 20-24
at TUIASI, Iasi Romania

May 27-31
at URN, Rouen, France

About the event

Junior and Senior Summer School, Staff Academy and Science Factory

Twice a year the INGENIUM European University organizes the alliance’s biggest event, 10 Days of INGENIUM, where students and staff from all the partner universities meet face-to-face to work together, exchange ideas and share best practices.

The upcoming third edition of 10 Days of INGENIUM will take place in May, 2024 and will be hosted by Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi, Romania and University of Rouen, Normandy, France.

The main themes of this summer edition are centered upon:

  • design thinking, creativity and entrepreneurial skills in go to market innovative strategies;
  • social responsibility, sustainable development and collective olympic games;
  • student-centered learning and blended learning methodologies;
  • bringing education and research closer together.
Who will participate?

Junior & Senior Schools relate to students enrolled in bachelor, master, and doctoral studies from partner universities. The academic staff is joining as well to meet and act as mentors, trainers, keynote lecturers and participants in the Staff Academy sessions.

Is it international?

Yes it is! The event will bring together students, academic and administrative staff from the INGENIUM partner universities: Italy, Romania, Germany, Bulgaria, Ireland, Finland, Greece, Spain, France and Sweden.

What else is to know?

The event has on-site and hybrid activities that will allow the participants to be involved and gather the information they are interested in such as: Workshops, Team buildings, Outdoor activities, Informal networking and cultural activities.

Junior Summer School

Print your mind in 3D – Empower Your Creativity

This edition of INGENIUM Junior Summer School is organized by “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi (TUIASI) in Iasi, Romania, under the theme “Print your Mind in 3D – Empower Your Creativity,”.

As part of the INGENIUM alliance, which brings together 10 universities to collaborate on various fronts, this event presents an unique opportunity for undergraduate students to engage with fellow colleagues and staff from partner universities. For five days, they will dive in an immersive exploration of design thinking, 3D printing, and go-to-market strategies.

The 2024 Junior Summer School will cover a range of activities designed to enhance students’ creativity and entrepreneurial skills, including workshops, hands-on sessions and insightful discussions. The students will delve deep into the foundational principles of design thinking, meticulously dissecting each stage – from empathizing with users to prototyping solutions that will later materialize through 3D Printing.

To complete the experience, the participants will learn essential strategies for taking their ideas to market, from market analysis and identifying target audiences to crafting compelling value propositions and go-to-market plans.

By the end of this edition of Junior Summer School, they will have developed a comprehensive understanding of the innovation process and be equipped with knowledge and tools to bring their ideas to market successfully.

More specifically, the Junior Summer School participants will be able to:

  • Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the five stages of design thinking: empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test.
  • Apply design thinking methodologies to identify and solve complex problems effectively.
  • Gain practical experience in designing 3D models using industry-standard software.
  • Analyze market dynamics and consumer behavior to inform strategic decision-making.
  • Engage in collaborative problem-solving activities and cultivate teamwork skills.
  • Refine presentation and communication abilities through project showcases and peer feedback sessions.
  • Cultivate a growth-oriented mindset conducive to innovation, resilience, and adaptability.

Where & When

Virtual: 3 Online sessions, one week before the onsite event.

On site:  Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi, Romania – 20-24 May.

See Schedule HERE

Senior Summer School

Healthy body, healthy campus: Building a sustainable INGENIUM future

The Senior Summer School is organized by the University of Rouen Normandy from France in this third edition of the 10 days of INGENIUM. Where Master and PhD students are invited to participate in multiple events, workshops, lectures and the INGENIUM Olympic tournament, all under the theme “Healthy body, healthy campus: Building a sustainable INGENIUM future”.

This edition of the INGENIUM Senior Summer School will be focused around commitment to social responsibility and sustainable development and collective games, echoing the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. The main goal of the program will be to provide participants with an interdisciplinary approach to all initiatives aiming at developing a fairer and more sustainable society, working towards developing a resilient and enduring project for INGENIUM campuses.

During the Science Factory event, students will be invited to work in teams on the winning project at the SDG Hackathon organized on 17 and 18 April. The theme of the project is “waste management”, with a particular focus on the uses of compost. Each team will have to make the project their own and think about how to best implement it on the INGENIUM university campuses.

Through the Senior Summer School students will gain knowledge on biodiversity, environmental law, low carbon trajectory and Olympic values and will have the opportunity to work together within multicultural groups of students. Mentors from each member universities will provide guidance and encourage collaboration and critical thinking within the student teams. PhD candidates can present a poster of their research interests during a dedicated poster session.

Under this edition of the Senior Summer School, an unique INGENIUM student Olympic Tournament will also take place over two half-days. The challenge will put several student teams through 11 sporting activities, including 10 national sports and a sitting volleyball match:

  • Episkyros (Grece)
  • Darts (Ireland)
  • Biathlon (Finland)
  • Rowing (Sweden)
  • Pétanque (France)
  • Tug of war (Germany)
  • Stick throwing (Spain)
  • Florentine football (Italy)
  • Oina (Romania)
  • Course of the fighter (Bulgaria)

Where & When

On site:  University of Rouen, Normandy, France – 27-31 May, 2024

See Schedule HERE

Staff Academy

Student-centered Learning, Blended Learning and Connected Research and Education

The INGENIUM Alliance organizes Staff Academy workshops to share, transfer and showcase selected innovative pedagogical methodologies from the partner Universities. Each Staff Academy event has ten individual sessions, lasting an hour, with one from each partner university. The Staff Academy sessions are based on proposals submitted by Alliance staff implementing innovative learning methodologies or wishing to develop them in cooperation with INGENIUM partners.

Staff Academy is held twice a year. Each event will be hosted by one of the Alliance Universities within the 10 Days of INGENIUM framework.

Staff Academy workshops allow participants to gain and enhance their teaching and facilitation skills by providing additional time for hands-on learning and interaction with colleagues from diverse backgrounds and fields. It will also provide an appropriate framework for knowledge sharing and transfer, offer new networking opportunities, and open avenues for enhanced cooperation with the Alliance.

This edition of Staff Academy held by Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi will focus on topics like: effective student-centered learning, connecting research and education and blended learning. The main goals for the interactive events of Staff Academy are:

  • to find innovative ways to equip students with the knowledge and other skills required for their professional and personal development;
  • to utilize research findings in education, bringing education and research closer together through challenge-based, work-based, and other methodologies
  • develop hybrid learning methodologies by combining traditional classroom-based education with other innovative learning methodologies, including distance or work-based learning.

Where & When

On site: Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi (TUIASI), Romania – 21-22 May 2024

See Schedule HERE

Past Editions of 10 days of INGENIUM

The first edition of the 10 DAYS OF INGENIUM was hosted by Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences from Germany and University “G. d’Annunzio” from Italy, in June 2023.

More information about the event here.

The second edition of the 10 DAYS OF INGENIUM events was organized in February, 2024 by the University of Crete, Greece and the Munster Technological University, Ireland.

More information about the event here.